The destination contains of two different kind of waters. On one side you have Baltic sea, which can get really wavy and rough, on the other side you have a massive flat (or bit choppy) water lagoon called Curonian Lagoon. There are loads of really cozy spots and the water is very shallow in most of the lagoon. Summer time is the best time to visit for holiday, but Spring, Autumn and Winter is the time of big storms. It's not uncommon to get winds 40+ knots, sometimes reaching even 60 knots (not that common). Wind direction varies, so sometimes you get perfect kickers in the sea, sometimes you get 5m messy waves trying to kill you (actually they won't as those are super soft waves and don't have as much energy as the ones from the ocean). For best season you need a warm wetsuit. We ride 5/4 or 6/5 wetsuits with gloves, hoods and shoes in winter, but summer gets proper warm and you can ride fine with 2mm wetsuit of even board shorts. I'd say the average 25+knts winds in each season are: Winter 40-60 days (from 90), spring 30-45, summer 10-20, autumn 45-65 days (water temperature is still quite warm up till November). The biggest advantage (for me) of kiting in the lagoon is that the entrance is a nicely cut lawn and you don't get your kite dirty even if it rains. Taking about rain - it's not uncommon to kite in the rain and it's freaking awesome :)